Big ides

Big ideas

The Little River Coronation Library will receive a new lease of life thanks to a Community Partnership Agreement between Council and the Little River Wairewa Community Trust Board.

Once restored, this community heritage building will be used as a base for a range of community activities.

CONGRATULATIONS To the Little River–Wairewa Community Trust for their hard work and community spirit in co-creating the Community Plan for Little River and continuing to advocate for Little River and Cooptown. Christchurch City Council won the NZPI Nancy Northcroft  Supreme Practice Award and the NZPI Best Practice Non-statutory Planning Award for Supporting Community-led Planning and Placemaking.

The Best Practice Award for non–statutory planning was presented to Christchurch City Council’s Urban Design, Regeneration & Heritage Unit and Community Support, Governance & Partnerships Unit.  This award reflects the comprehensive and exemplary approach taken by the Council to enable and support community–led planning and place making like the Little River Big Ideas Community-led Plan.



The Little River Wairewa Community Trust in consultation with the Little River Village Planning Committee, The Little River Railway Station Trust and the Awa iti Domain Board has presented a submission to the Christchurch City Council Long Term Plan. To view the submission go to the following: The Little River Wairewa Community Trust Long Term Plan Submission April 2018 final to view the Power Point Presentation look at the following: Little River Wairewa Community Trust PowerPoint Presentation for LTP Submission April 2018 final

The Little River Community has advocated strongly through the Little River Big Ideas document that Little River and its immediate surrounds needs attention in terms of infrastructure improvements, facilities and amenities for the wellbeing of residents and visitors alike. They seek that funding be set aside over the next ten years through the Long Term Plan to bring the following key projects to fruition;

  1. Drainage/ flooding mitigation  
  2.  SH75 Traffic Calm, Parking & Streetscape Improvements.
  3. Town Centre Improvements (Playground/Recreation Park)
  4.  Craft Station Environs.
  5.  Walkways and eco trail. 
  6.  Health and Recreation Facilities.
  7.  Wastewater Treatment.
  8. Continue to grow our communication with the community

We are looking for people who would like to be involved in any of the above projects. Especially anyone with a special passion or interest in any one of the projects to help drive it along. Any comments or expressions of interest in the Long Term Plan Submission can be emailed to or LRWCT Secretary,

BIG IDEAS VILLAGE PLANNING MEETINGS have been held in the meeting room at the Little River Service Centre at 6.00pm over the past 18 months. At present, meetings are on hold but if you are interested in progressing one of the projects or getting involved in any way contact Alex Lee phone 3251 002 or mobile 021 0833 4646 for further information.


Members of the Little River Wairewa Community Trust have put a lot of energy into making a presentation to put a submission into the CCC Annual Plan Process for the Town Centre Plan for Little River. This includes a Community Facility, a Medical Facility and a Freshwater Decontamination/Wastewater Unit.

Updates of progress and contact names of groups that will need to be formed to progress the many projects that will be needed to fulfil this plan will be posted here for your information.

View the Submission presentation here

Little River Wairewa Community Trust
Sarah Marsh, Trust Manager

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